Please read the below before you book online.
Our online booking system is encrypted and powered by Halaxy.
New clients will receive an intake email after completing a booking.
Please complete the tasks in the email within 7 days before your appointment. The email expires after 7 days.
Bookings only for clients age 18yrs+.
Please use your full first and last names as shown on your Medicare card or Passport.
Please DO NOT PROVIDE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION in the 'Appointment notes'.
Please VERIFY your consultation at the end of the booking - to fix it in our calendar.
Please book 3 consultations spaced 2 weeks apart to avoid delays in therapy.
We can discuss number and frequency of sessions at the end of your initial session. At least this way you secure spots before they book out.
Alternatively, phone us directly on 0499 085 561 or email us at to make an appointment. Please send a text or leave a voicemail if we are busy with therapy.
Please book 3 - 6 consultations ahead at the frequency you generally see your therapist.
It is easier to cancel consultations than to secure them when we are fully booked.
It is easier to cancel consultations than to secure them when we are fully booked.
Fees vary by appointment type.
Fees for Medicare and private health are $210 per consultation of 50 minutes.
We do not offer discounted or bulk billing sessions.
There is a late cancellation fee of $105 if we are not notified within 48 hours of the session time.
*Fees differ for WorkCover, NDIS, and DVA clients based on state of service and other factors. Please contact your preferred practitioner to clarify fees for these appointment types.