The Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS-v1.1) was developed in conjunction with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Workgroup on Adult ADHD.
About 60% of children with ADHD have symptoms that persist into adulthood, while 40% will still meet diagnostic criteria. ADHD can be significiantly dysfunctional in both childhood and adulthood. Particularly having a significant impact on relationships, careers, and even your personal safety.
ADHD also has a significant genetic link. If you have a child you suspect has ADHD, if confirmed, there will be an apprximately 50% chance one of the child's parents also has ADHD. Therefore, we wuld recommend you also screen yourself.
Because this disorder is often misunderstood, many people who have it do not receive appropriate treatment and, as a result, may never reach their full potential. Part of the problem is that it can be difficult to diagnose, particularly in adults.
This checklist only takes about 5 minutes to complete and is often used as an early screening tool to determine if sypmptoms of ADHD are present.
This version also includes 4 additional questions relating to ADHD contra-indicators, as well as a quesdtiona about caffiene intake, which research suggests has some baring on ADHD symptom presentation.
You can complete the ASRS and recieve a report of your scores for free by filling in the form below:
For a great take on living with ADHD, we recommend checking out the How to ADHD YouTube Channel.
ADDitude: articles, videos, lectures, and other resources for children, adolescents andadults with ADHD and their loved ones.
A more advanced lecture series on 30 essential ideas you should know about ADHD.
We acknowledge and pay respects to the people of the Yugambeh language region of the Gold Coast and all their descendants both past and present. We also acknowledge the many Aboriginal people from other regions as well as Torres Strait and South Sea Islander people who now live in the local area and have made important contributions to the community.